Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 2nd-6th

Did this make you smile?
Take the smile challenge!
Kristen Beck, a Curriculum Coordinator from Auburn recently blogged about how she could make the world a better place in a post called It Begins With A Smile and she shares the SMILE CHALLENGE! You can read the entire post here.

Here is her smile challenge:
  • For one week smile at any/all people you pass during the day. If it is people you see everyday and multiple times a day, do it EVERY TIME. 
  • Make sure it is authentic and if you can get your eyes to light up or twinkle that is even better
  • Smile at everyone in the office, school, classroom each time you cross paths
  • When approaching a student or someone with a question (sometimes an annoying question) if you start with a smile, it changes how you start the conversation to a positive and provides an opportunity to build a relationship and trust rather than getting off on the wrong foot
  • If you are somewhere like the grocery store, smile as you pass others in the aisle and see what happens.
It might take a while for you to start smiling automatically when encountering others. You will need to make a conscious effort at first. Soon it will become something you just do and you get to reap the benefits. 
Bonus challenge:
Take the smile challenge and share via Twitter, a blog post, pictures on Instagram, Facebook what you discover! 

Dates and Details
February 2nd ALA Awards Announced! 8:00 AM CT

Follow the hashtag  #ALAyma for real time results!

February 2nd : No Office Day & Prospective Family Tours (two scheduled)
Tours: 8:45-10:00 and 1:00-2:15

February 4th Star Staff meeting 7:30 (click here for agenda) Ting will be here and we will also hear from groups with their building community/management presentations :)
February 4th Global School Play Day and related blog post
February 5th- Tech Time! Click here to view or add to the agenda :)

February 6 Fit Friday walks
3rd-5th walk from 8:40-9:05
AM TK/K-2nd walk from 9:10-9:35

PM K and PM 12:30-12:55

February 12- Common Core Math Night- Parent Ed 6:00

March 2nd- Read Across America Day 
March 4th Dr. Seuss Night & World Read Aloud Day
March 4th    World Read Aloud Day & all school Skype with Erin Dealey at 2:00
March 9th  GLAD coaching: Evans, Torres, Kloczko, McAvoy  schedule TBA (sub needed all day)
March 10th GLAD coaching:  Kahler, Mandujano, Fraser, Luhrsen schedule TBA (sub needed all day)
March 13th Digital  Learning Day -- Just share out the awesome to the hashtag #DLDay and #NWP via Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram!

Tech Tip
Via @alicekeeler 
I'd like to try this!
Super easy- Use Snagit Chrome Extension to Make Animated Gifs 

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