Sunday, December 14, 2014

December 15th-19th

Just a few of so many things I loved seeing around school this week!

Ms. Fraser's class working on math on the stormy day

Spanish with Mrs. Valdovinos in 5th grade 
Gingerbread Men!

Fun with friends and rainy day recess kits!

Sunny weather for the zoo trip-- lucky first graders!

TK dancing to a holiday tune

TK performance. Must be Santa!

Dates & Details
Looks like a quiet week!
December 15th-18th- GLAD demo in Amy's room
December 17th- NCS Holiday Breakfast at the main campus 8-9 AM
December 18th - No tech time
December 19th- 2nd annual BLING it on DAY and PJ day for students

Sunday, December 7, 2014

December 8-12

Yes, this!
Bling it on day is December 19th!

The tackier the better. 
Wear all of your holiday gear- lights, antlers, socks. 
There will be prizes!

Dates and Details
December 8th- No Office Day 

December 9th Architect Meetings- this schedule has changed since last week

Conference room
1:30-2:30 Kindergarten/TK (movie in library for PM K and PM TK)
2:30-3:30 First and Second grade teachers  (movie in library)
3:30-4:30 Third-Fifth Grade teachers

December 10th- Star Staff Meeting 7:30-8:30 (click here for agenda) & breakfast (click here to sign up). 
December 10th- architect meetings
Conference room
1:30-2:30 Administration building staff (Cindy and Caroline, Patty if available)
2:30-3:30 Library and Media (Elsa, Joe, Joe, Kham)
3:30-4:30 MP building, stage, and green room (anyone interested may join)

December 11th - Tech Time! Click here to view or add to the agenda :)
December 12th- First grade to Sac Zoo
December 17th- NCS Holiday Breakfast at the main campus 8-9 AM
December 19th- 2nd annual BLING it on DAY!