Everybody has needs... that means you too! Just like our students, you too have needs that must be met to be the best you can be. Please take a moment to think about what, at this point in the school year, would make a difference for you as a leader and teacher. Remember, we believe everyone on our campus is a teacher! Kids are learning so much by watching us :) Whether you are a classroom teacher, campus supervisor, administrative assistant, custodian, IT, instructional assistant, student teacher, or any other role, you have needs to. What do YOU need to be successful in your role so that you can be your best for kids? What do you need personally to help you be the best you? It can be anything! (An outlet to talk and bounce ideas off of, classroom management ideas, positive behavior strategies, workshop ideas, how to log into your math program, resources, and the list goes on!) After taking a few moments, please add your own slide about something you feel you need right now to reach your full superpower!
Dates & Details:
Sept 26th minimum day -- Kids WIN Time (Kids: What I Need!) Data dig, goal setting and group planning -- 1:00-3:00 in the library Please bring your laptop, notebook, and something to write with.
September 28th- 8:00-9:00 PIP brainstorming in library
September 29th - 7:30-8:00 open work time / new teacher cohort w/ Maria
October 3-6 GLAD demo in Franchesca's room
September 28th- 8:00-9:00 PIP brainstorming in library
September 29th - 7:30-8:00 open work time / new teacher cohort w/ Maria
October 3-6 GLAD demo in Franchesca's room
Oct 7-11 Fall break
October 13th 5:00 PM Ice Cream Scoop Night and Stars Parent Group Meeting (6:00)
October 13th 5:00 PM Ice Cream Scoop Night and Stars Parent Group Meeting (6:00)
Oct 24-28 Book Fair
Nov 1 minimum day
Nov 7-10 Parent conferences (minimum days)
Nov 11 Veteran’s day- no school
Nov 21-25 Thanksgiving break
Nov 21-25 Thanksgiving break
Reading Is Our Super Power!
Here are some resources for Reader's Workshop!
Do you have any great workshop links or ideas to share? Leave a comment on the blog!